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What you need to know about technical building equipment

What is technical building equipment?

Technical building equipment (TBE) refers to the entirety of all technical installations in buildings that are necessary for their operation. This includes heating, ventilation, air conditioning and sanitary systems (HVAC), but also electrotechnical systems, building automation and security technology. TBE ensures that a building is not only habitable, but also comfortable and safe.

TGA building technology

TGA building technology refers to the entirety of all technical systems installed in a building. It ensures that the building is heated, ventilated, air-conditioned, supplied with water and electrically operated. Modern building services engineering also includes systems for energy efficiency, such as photovoltaic systems and intelligent control systems that minimize energy consumption. The integration of renewable energies and the use of modern technologies contribute to the sustainability and environmental friendliness of modern buildings.

Planning the technical building services

Planning the technical building services is a complex process that begins in the early design phase of a building. The aim of technical building services planning is to optimally coordinate all technical systems and integrate them into the architecture of the building. This requires close cooperation between architects, engineers and other specialist planners.

TGA Planung

TBE Planing in Detail

TBE planning comprises several phases:

  1. Preliminary planning: Initial drafts and concepts are developed to give a rough idea of the technical equipment. This also includes initial cost estimates and feasibility checks.

  2. Design planning: In this phase, the technical systems are worked out in detail. This includes the dimensioning and selection of components as well as integration into the building design. A detailed cost plan is also drawn up.

  3. Implementation planning: Detailed plans and documents for implementation are drawn up on the basis of the design planning. These include technical drawings, diagrams and specifications required for construction.

  4. Tendering and awarding: In this phase, specifications are drawn up and offers are obtained from contractors. Once the tenders have been checked and evaluated, the contracts are awarded.

  5. Construction supervision: During the construction phase, the TGA planners supervise the installation of the technical systems and ensure that the work is carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications. This also includes quality assurance and coordination of the various trades.

  6. Approval and commissioning: Once the construction work has been completed, the systems are checked and tested. This includes functional tests, adjustment of the systems and instruction of the operator. After successful testing, official acceptance and approval for operation takes place.

Technical building services engineer

A technical building services engineer is responsible for the planning, implementation and monitoring of technical building services systems. These specialists have in-depth knowledge of HVAC, electrical engineering, building automation and safety technology. Their work ensures that all technical systems operate efficiently, sustainably and in accordance with legal regulations.

TBE trades and their significance

TBE trades include all specialist areas involved in the technical equipment of a building. These include:

  • Heating technology: Planning and installation of heating systems.

  • Ventilation technology: Systems for ventilating and exhausting buildings.

  • Air conditioning technology: Air conditioning systems for temperature control.

  • Sanitary engineering: water and waste water systems.

  • Electrical engineering: Electrical installations and building automation.

  • Security technology: Fire protection, intrusion detection and monitoring systems.


The TBE installation is the practical implementation of the planned technical systems. It is carried out by specialist trade companies that specialize in the respective trades. Careful installation is crucial for the functionality and longevity of the technical systems. All work must be carried out in accordance with the applicable standards and regulations in order to ensure the safety and reliability of the systems.


TBE architecture

TBE architecture refers to the integration of technical systems into the architectural design of a building. Well-planned MEP architecture ensures that the technical systems are integrated not only functionally, but also in an aesthetically pleasing and space-efficient manner. This requires close cooperation between TGA planners and architects.

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